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03 January 2019
Dennis West

 1 Corinthian 16.4: "Let all you do be done in Love".


Here are some movies to show you what's really going on in American food and knowing the truth of how to cure cancer and to live healthy and happy. 
All movies can be viewed on Netflix and most other movie outlets.

Clips about Health and Garden, also Learn about Grounds Education Films

2008 Food Matters 

Documentary movie hard hitting look at how food we eat is helping or hurting our health and what we can do to live and eat better.

2008 Food Inc

Documentary movie explores the food industry effects on our health.

2011 Forks & Knives

Documentary movie focus on two scientist researching how food is processed and how it is causing an epidemic of obesity, diabetes, and other diseases. 

2011 Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead

Documentary movie about two men who bodies have been trashed by steroids, obesity and illness as they regain their health by righteous healing.

2009 Vanishing of the Bees

Documentary Movie details of economic, political, and ecological consequences of dwindling world of honey bees.

2008 Beautiful Truth

Documentary of a teenager who investgate the theory that diet can cure cancer and other diseases.

2008 Ingredients

This engaging documentary weighs the short coming of america food system.

2004 The Future of Food

Documentary refeal the unappetizing truth about generitially modified foods.

2007 River of Waste

Documentary of the Hazardous of truth of fish affects our lives.

2004 Life Running Out of Control

Documentary explore the ways in which bio tech.


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